MTS Microneedling Skin Resurfacing
See result in 1 treatment with MTS Microneedling
Service Description
MTS Microneedling Treatment For More Treatment Details : Reg. $450 Student Service Price : Face : $138 Neck Add-on $48 Microneedling (also known as skin needling or collagen induction therapy) is a type of treatment that uses small needles to cause tiny punctures in the skin. These small contact points encourage the body to create a wound healing response and renew the skin cells. As your skin repairs, the production of collagen and elastin is triggered to give an almost immediate plumping effect. It can also help tackle other skin damage such as scarring, dark marks and aging. Benefits of Microneedling : Dull skin: Rejuvenate tired and dull skin and combat the initial signs of aging. Wrinkles: Fine lines and wrinkles on the face can be visibly reduced, as microneedling triggers collagen production. Scarring: Scars from acne and Chicken Pox can be improved and an uneven texture can be smoothed out with microneedling. Pigmentation: Can help to fade dark patches such as pigmentation due to sun damage or aging. Student treatment prices are subject to change without notice.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation : In order to allow us an opportunity to reschedule, please provide a minimum of 24 hour notice if you need to cancel your appointment. For all student service arrangements, the decision of Aesthetics Pro shall be final and conclusive. Please feel free to subscribe to our e-mail list to receive special promotional offers and discounts on our retail product lines. 取消條款: 如需取消或更改預約時間,須提前24小時或以上給予通知。 有關一切服務內容及安排,由艾斯迪國際美容學校保留最終決定權。 歡迎訂閱我們的郵件列表,我們將向您發送最新優惠活動及產品折扣訊息。 Cancellation : Hủy Lịch Hẹn Để cho phép chúng tôi có cơ hội lên lịch lại, vui lòng cung cấp thông báo trước tối thiểu 24 giờ nếu bạn cần hủy cuộc hẹn của mình. Đối với tất cả các thỏa thuận về dịch vụ học viên, quyết định của Aesthetic Pro sẽ là quyết định cuối cùng và mang tính kết luận. Vui lòng đăng ký vào danh sách e-mail của chúng tôi để nhận được các khuyến mại và giảm giá đặc biệt cho các dòng sản phẩm bán lẻ của chúng tôi.
Contact Details
320 23 Ave SW unit 303, Calgary, AB, Canada